Mission /Vision /Philosophy Statement
Quality of Working Life (QWL)Corrdinators,are deeply Commited to this pocess.as we are the doorkeepers to process.our mission is to promote and enhancae
the QWL Process in Southern Calfornia (and Nevada) through regular
networking sessions and other means of sharing that enable us to exchange information regarding issues
and concerns which are common to all of us. We will:Pursue solutions to obstacles and individually: Provide moral and motivational
support to one anther:All through being effective in both ccommunication and building working relationships with those who
are leaders of change.At every opportunity we will ncourage,suggest,and lead each of our facilities in a partipative manner.As
Change Agents,we will individually do all that we can change the culure in the Postal Service from an authoritarian style
to participative way of doing business this is our vision and our mission!
Come in and See the Meeting
Photo Albu