Our planets resources
are dwindling. To ensure a bright future for coming generations, we must do the
right thing and “GO GREEN”. Going green simply means using environmentally
safe products and practices.
The LAXISC QWL circle
Explorers hosted a Go Green Day on April 24, 2008. The day included a large display
of planet friendly products, tips for conservation, quizzes, puzzles and prizes. Plants
were given away as gifts. The circle members researched the subject matter, ordered
resource materials and planned out the display. All employees were invited to
educate themselves and learn how small changes can improve their lifestyles. The
circle also demonstrated the efforts made at the ISC to produce a GREEN work environment.
This project was an excellent learning experience for our newest circle The Explorers.
The members delegated tasks such as searching the web and visiting local environmental agencies as well as waste disposal
facilities. The members worked together to achieve their objectives
and the result was a success.